"Home" 8.31.24


The past week’s stay in the Chicago area has caused me to re-examine the concept of home.  We came back because certain work had to be done on the trailer.  Now, of course, there is no house to come back to.  People have characterized this in various ways, saying we are homeless or that we live in a tiny house, but I realized neither of these really describes the situation.  It would be romantic to say our home is with each other, but that’s not exactly it either. 

I have moved around quite a bit in my life, and maybe that explains why I’m not particularly attached to particular places or houses.  I was sorry to leave the Longwood house, but it was just simple regret and some nostalgia, not grief.  I think that applies to pretty much every place I’ve lived.

I think for me, after all, home is inside.  I can feel at home almost anywhere.  There are certainly things I miss, and I expect I’ll find more of that in the time to come.  But for now, life on the road is enjoyable and not a deprivation or source of stress. 

We have been staying with a good friend who has an extra room and has graciously offered us the space while we wait to be underway.  (Shout out to Sajad and his loyal, lovable dog Sweets for making what could have been an annoying delay into a comfortable and enjoyable time.) 

It’s getting so late in the season that there are already school buses around in the afternoon, and kids with backpacks.  Labor Day is almost here.  Not where I wanted to be about now, but all good.  Next we will be heading west … again.


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