Original 2021 Profile Message
Hello! Welcome to my blog. In these posts, I hope to present my observations on my travels and other topics of interest. Born and raised in Wisconsin, I have lived in Chicago since 1978. I came here to go to law school and stayed, eventually marrying my law school study partner. My husband Larry and I have five daughters and I also have two stepkids. I guess you could call me a besotted parent, since I think raising kids is a nonstop, action-packed, fun ride. Anything and everything can and does happen . . . not unlike on a road trip. To celebrate my retirement from work as a legal assistant for many years, I am embarking on an extended road trip with my loyal spouse in our vintage Burro trailer. We hope to travel north, west, south and back around in the U.S., working within the limitations of the current pandemic. We often travel with one or more of our kids, but this trip, it will be just the two of us. Take a look at my 2020 posts to get an idea of how we travel. Mostly it’s on the fly, with very little scheduling, seeing what is there to be seen as it comes up. Can’t wait to show it all to you! Lu
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